Saturday, August 9, 2008

30 Day Challenge- Day 10

Wow did I crash hard tonight! I've been putting in more hours over the weekend because of a slight backlog that I'm trying to help put a dent into. It's just past 9pm and I'm already in bed. Tonight the best thing I could do for myself was to "just say no" to going to the movies, to a bar, to staying out late...anything that didn't involve me alone in my bed being able to do whatever I wanted was off limits.

Although I'd love to be watching The Dark Knight or Man on Wire, or being a normal 29 year old and having an active social life outside of the apartment, I opted to simply stay in after dinner.

I am so happy to be in bed right now and although I have my computer keeping me company and I'm likely to do more work emails after this, I'm feeling super psyched to be all warm and cozy in my bed snuggling up to the computer and listening to Pandora.

What a week!

This morning I also did another nice thing for myself and my friend (Bad) Molly- I went to Harry's service over in Elysian Park. This is an area of LA that I've never been to before and although the reason for getting over there was sad, it was nice to explore. Take it easy Harry. You will be missed.

And yes, we made another trip up to the Fasts for more pool/ocean side relaxation. All in all, it's been a great Saturday, although moments of sadness (Harry) cropped up.

PS- Happy Three Year Anniversary Susannah. I'm so glad to have you out here and feel very grateful that you're willing to do so much with me and help me out. I don't know what I'd do without you in LA


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