Saturday, September 1, 2012

Cool Capture: Nautical by Nature

Last month I took a glorious week-long vacation to Maine where I got to spend quality time with my niece, my sister, her husband and his parents. I got to catch up with some friends I spend all year long missing and reconnect with another friend I lost touch with many years ago.

I read a few really great books (highly recommend The Fault in our Stars and The Language of Flowers), took a lot of photos and completely disconnected from work. It was as relaxing and restorative as it sounds.

Thanks to GeekSugar for another feature of an Instagram photo I took and tagged with #coolcapture. I took this photo on August 10th while waiting for dinner in Cape Neddick, Maine. The 55-minute wait was more than tolerable when this was our view:

We used the time wisely taking photos as the sun set, but this was one of my favorites with the lobster traps, the pretty sky, the reflection of the house and trees in the water and the buoys. It was a beautiful night and a memorable wait and I'm grateful for the feature through GeekSugar. 


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