Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dublin City Walk

I spent the past two hours hoofin' it all over Dublin. While it's not my favorite place in all of Ireland, I did have a good morning exploring. Katie flew in this morning so I wanted for her before heading out. We spent about an hour walking through St. Stephen's Green and along and around Grafton Street before she returned to the hotel to get some sleep. I continued walking along Grafton Street, down through Temple Bar, across the Ha'Penny Bridget and then meandered my way back to the hotel.

The sun is out and the air is crisp. After three beers last night, it felt really good to be moving around and walking through the city. I think there's more rain on the horizon during this trip. Which isn't surprising by any means, but I am really eager to keep up with the walking, running, hiking, biking and general outdoor exploring. So when moments of sunshine and clear weather arise, we have to take advantage of it.

We're leaving Dublin in a little while. I'm not sure when I'll have internet access again, which is mostly fine with me. I've enjoyed being "connected" but I'm also okay at the prospect of not being accessible or being online. It might be another couple of days before I'm online again- when we get to the castle!

In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite pictures from this morning's walk around Dublin:

Katie & Molly in St. Stephen's Green- Katie looks really good for someone who just flew in hours earlier.

My favorite picture so far.

Favorite Dublin bar joined by the Guinness Quality Team


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