Saturday, August 8, 2009

All About the Legs

Because yesterday was all about the arms, today was all about the legs. And by the end of the workout, I thought I might boot. But I didn't.

Here's what we did.

Set 1- 4x
Squats (first with 40 lbs, then 75 lbs, then 85 lbs! Last time through that set, Britt had me do as many as I could until I couldn't go anymore. I did 30 squats with 85lbs during my last time through that set!)

Quick step-ups- for this I had a little step stool basically that I had to jump up with one leg, then switch my legs and come back down on the opposite leg. Did this 20 times.

Hamstring roll on the exercise ball

Set 2
Step-ups with dumbbells

Resistance band waltz- for this one I had my body and the resistance band in the same exact position as the picture below, but I had to lift up my legs, take a big step to the side and stomp my foot down. I had to do this quickly, about 20 reps total and it was burning my thighs and ass.

Set 3- doing as many of each of the following exercises as I could in a minute. I ran through this set only two times and on the second time, I didn't have to do the lunges.
Bench Squats

Lunges (one of my least favorite exercises, mainly because I'm not actually good at them)


Honestly, by the end of the 2nd plank, which I tried desperately to hold for a full minute (but stopped for a brief break about 45 seconds in), I thought I was going to get sick. I hadn't eaten anything before our workout and it was a really hard one.

But of course, by the end, it felt really great and I was so happy to have gotten another workout in for the week.

I'm getting back in the groove.


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