Tuesday, August 12, 2008

30 Day Challenge- Day 13

I'm find that I'm not doing as good of a job this week of taking care of myself and managing the work/stress factor as I was doing last week. I haven't been taking lunch breaks. I haven't been getting on my bike (except for the jaunt to the Speaks last night). I haven't been limiting work to normal hours. There's a lot of I haven't's this week and I need to curb that.

Today's good thing I did for myself also involved drinking and the Speak Easy again. Steve joined after Jeopardy (which he loves these days...and it cracks me up). We ordered Indian at the bar.

It was a fun and spontaneous night out in the middle of the week and honestly, I think we both needed the time to let loose a litle and kb (kick back) with a few beers at a great dive bar in Santa Monica.

The main reason why I went to the Speak Easy tonight is because my friend Spud who is the bartender there. I met him about two years ago when I first met and fell in love with the Speak Easy. Spud is very easy to like- he's friendly, fun, has a kickass Scottish accent and is just a genuinely wonderful down to earth guy. So earlier this year when he stopped working because of a rare form of cancer, I missed seeing him. Tonight was one of his rare appearances bartending at the Speaks and I knew I wanted to go and show my support of him.

His enthusiasm for life and his determination to not let a little thing like cancer keep him from truly enjoying everything and everyone he can out of his life is infectious and a good reminder (for all of us) that life is only what we make it.


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