Saturday, July 26, 2008

"You have dainty feet!!!"

My podiatrist actually said that to me yesterday with total delight and maybe even a lot of surprise in his voice when I went to get checked out for all the problems I'm experiencing.

To recap:
right leg- shin pain
left leg- constant pain and limping when I step down and bear all my weight like a normal person when walking

I decided it was time to see the podiatrist to get a real evaluation as opposed to the fake one I got from my friend Hal over the phone from New Hampshire. I was hesitant only because I decided to get my orthotics from another doctor and didn't want to get any shi*t from my podiatrist. And my fears were totally confirmed when Dr. Noah told me that he hoped I hadn't paid a lot for them. (Side note, not surprisingly I did). Whatever. I'm moving on from this as there's nothing I can do now and I feel like they're perfectly fine orthotics.

So Dr. Noah took some x-rays, which is when he discovered the whole dainty feet issues and exclaimed that I could be a ballerina. "But ballerinas have really messed up feet." He also discovered that I do not have a stress fracture which is good, but said that I was definitely on the path to getting one.

What it does mean is that I have to take another 2-week break from running and walking and go back on August 8th to find out what my game plan is. In the meantime, I can go biking or swimming. And since I'm not totally psyched to go to a public swimming pool, it looks like I have a lot of biking in my future to keep up the cardio.

I've thought a lot about this setback and I'm not letting it get in my way of fulfilling this dream. I have always known that this path would not be easy. But I am also a very very firm believer that things worth getting (and going after) aren't meant to be easy. If it was easy, it wouldn't be as worth it.

I also believe that completing this marathon is so much about mental strength and I've got a lot of that. My life experiences, all the shitty ones too, have made me the strong person that I am and I proudly carry those struggles and trying times with me...and they'll be what carries me through all 26.2 miles. I don't know how much of this marathon I'll be running, or walking, but I do know that I will be crossing that finish like in just three short months!

I may not know today how I'm going to get there while I'm sidelined from the activity I need to do on race day- I just know that I will be there. And I can't wait to write that blog post and share just how great it felt to raise my arms in the air and step over the finish line!


Rebecca July 29, 2008 at 5:01 PM  

I haven't met you, but I must say you are an inspiration to me. I can't wait to be there in Dublin cheering you on, because you WILL achieve your goal, there is no doubt...and I am planning on peeing my pants afterward! Seriously, don't get discouraged you have a lot of people rooting for you... and some of those only know you from a distance. It is really nice to know there are people like you in the world and that I will someday get to meet them! Hang in there,

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