Saturday, June 16, 2007

Another Great Run

I don't have much time to write today, but all in all, it's been a great week. I've really picked up the workouts. I went walking twice before I started work (Wednesday & Friday), I went to yoga (which kicked my ass but, of course, felt great) and I went for two runs. Still no signs of shin splints, which makes me so happy I could jump up and down...but I won't for fear of hurting myself.

I pushed myself a little harder today. Instead of waiting two or three minutes between runs, I alternated one minute of running with one minute of walking for 15 minutes (walked the first 10 and walked the last 10 as well). It felt great. I felt great. For the first time since I started back up my feet weren't screaming with pain as they adjusted to the new kicks, and I had an actual grin on my face while I was running.

I'm happy about my workouts this week and I'll leave it at that!

Steve & I are headed down to La Jolla for the night to stay at some fancy hotel his parent's got a rezzie at but never made it to. It should be a nice and relaxing evening. I'm hoping to get a lobster tail tonight!


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