Sunday, May 13, 2012


When I think back on the past six months or so, it seems like a blur.

Finding out I'm a BRCA2 gene carrier.
My sister-in-law being murdered while doing something as routine as getting her hair cut.
Family drama.
Work drama.

It was all very overwhelming.

And it's no secret that I'm an emotional eater.
So I'm sad to share.
That I basically sabotaged the progress I made from January - July of last year.
And spent August - March gaining back the nearly 40 pounds I managed to lose.

At the end of April I said

Enough wallowing.
Enough eating.
Enough treating myself poorly.
Enough ignoring my gym membership.
Enough skipping spin class.

I got back into the swing of things.
And instead of feeling like I was getting kicked while I was down.
I got up.
And I kicked back.

I'm back on double W and down 8 lbs in the past three weeks.
I'm back at the gym and back on the bike.
I'm back to dealing with things in a much healthier way.

And yes.
Of course it feels better.
That's never the issue.
Or the point.

But I'm looking ahead and I like what I see.


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