Monday, November 30, 2009

Back on The Game

After being in Ireland for two weeks and being off the game for a little bit before that and a little bit after that, I was very happy to come home knowing there was a new challenge to the game awaiting me. As much as I had hoped to be "as good as possible" on vacation, the scale says I went up 10 pounds. I can tell you where that came from- Guinness and chips (french fries in Ireland).

This isn't an excuse, because I knew exactly what I was putting into my body and was totally okay with it, but...Ireland really is not known for its cuisine. There's no Whole Foods, there's no big bountiful salads on the menus to have as your meal. Most times, your side choices can be chips (french fries) and mashed potatoes. Seriously, you can get both. There are definitely some veggies in there, and I chose that sometimes, but it's just not as easy to eat well. Plus, I have to say, their selection of Cadbury chocolate and other types of candy is off the hook.

We set up plans to get a game going well before I even left Ireland and I knew it was going to be around 8-12 people. Most people I had never even played with before, and definitely the most amount of people I've ever played the game with- some who had never even played the game themselves before. But having this plan set in motion was hugely helpful. I've recognized that if I'm not on game, I tend to go back to my old habits of poor eating and being on the game is what helps tame that.

So today I started up what I guess would be considered my official 3rd round. Katie and I have done little mini games before and after Ireland to help keep us from going off the deep end, but those only lasted a few days or a week. This game begins today and is scheduled to go until Monday, December 28th. I'm not entirely sure playing the game over Christmas (which I'll be celebrating in NYC) is the right way to go, but part of me is definitely up for that challenge.

I am playing with Katie and two people who have never played before. We're playing against Cyrena, someone who played a two week game with her while I was in Ireland and then two other people who have never played before either. It's a mixed bag for sure, but I'm excited to spread the game to more people.

Wish me luck!

PS- For the record, during the five days I played the game upon getting back (which included Thanksgiving), I lost six of the 10 lbs I gained while in Ireland. I'll take it.


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